Assess Your Digital Manufacturing Maturity

Understand where you rank among your peers in digitising your manufacturing operation.

This assessment tool tells you how your company's use of digital manufacturing software compares to that of your peers. After taking the assessment, you'll get a personalised report showing:

  • Your current standing in the digital manufacturing maturity model as compared to your peers.

  • Ways to overcome the blockers keeping you from becoming more digitally mature.

  • The benefits you'll experience from implementing intelligent manufacturing software.









How This Research Can Impact Your Manufacturing Organization

What is a digital maturity assessment?

This assessment helps you gauge the level of digitization in your organization. The goal is full digital transformation, so the assessment shows your current use of digital manufacturing solutions compared to that of your peers.

What are digital manufacturing solutions?

With modern manufacturing execution software (MES), manufacturing companies can access and use more data across all lines and sites. Businesses gain an edge by being able to analyse the data faster and better than their competitors.

What is the maturity model of digital transformation in manufacturing?

The digital manufacturing maturity model uses multiple tiers to categorize a company's use of digital manufacturing solutions. The levels range from manual (mostly paper-based) to intelligent (a fully digitized, integrated operation.)

Elevate Your Potential With Digital Manufacturing Software

To stay compliant and competitive, manufacturers of regulated products need to create productive connections between systems, machines, processes, departments, and people. A modern software solution like MasterControl Manufacturing Excellence can help you turn these capabilities into a competitive differentiator.

Assessment Progress

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Part 1: Introduction
Question 0 / 14
How high of a priority does your company place on increasing digitalization and advancing the use of technology in manufacturing operations?
Which of the following challenges is the biggest limit on your organization's ability to increase digitalization maturity?
Select the answer that best describes the current state of manufacturing or production at your company.
Select the answer that best describes the current state of the data connectivity of manufacturing solutions at your company.
Select the phrase that best describes your company's manufacturing goals over the next 12-18 months.
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