Welcome to MasterControl's
Manufacturing Excellence
Interactive Demo

Explore how digital production records can transform your plant operations.

Build your own process.

Patented Builder Tool

MasterControl's patented digital production record tool is designed to do one very important thing – ensure that you don't have to redesign your processes to use our tool.

  • Set up your own structures
  • Establish re-usable global elements
  • Design sequential and parallel processes
  • Build out phase level requirements and rules
  • Establish clones and product families/recipes
  • Ensure up-to-date SOPs and work instructions
  • Embed and enforce quality events and training
Explore and build
Build Your Own Process
1/6 Process + Phases

Group your process into large sections, called Unit Procedures.

2/6 Process + Phases

Configure predecessors at any level for parallel or serialized execution.

3/6 Process + Phases

Configure sign-off roles and number for each unit procedure.

4/6 Process + Phases

Decompose each unit procedure into smaller sections called operations.

5/6 Process + Phases

Configure each operation with phases that equate to operator tasks.

6/6 Process + Phases

Incorporate quality checks with tables, tolerances, and more.

1/3 Phase Structure

Global elements enable sharing common elements across multiple templates.

2/3 Phase Structure

Human-readable format ensures seamless transition to digital, increases adoption and simplifies audits.

3/3 Phase Structure

Build out phase instructions and embed limits, process stage gates like verifications and set limits and controls.

1/3 Instructions + Controls

Configure whether each phase needs a verifier, witness, neither, or both.

2/3 Instructions + Controls

Configure correction options, set completion notifications, and specify authorized roles.

3/3 Instructions + Controls

Specify multiple levels of data limits and corresponding actions.

100% Digital Execution

While manufacturers have invested heavily in digitization and automation, many still execute batch records, design history records and travelers manually with paper-based records. MasterControl's digital production record fully digitized shop floor data entry and production record execution so you can finally eliminate paper from your production environment.

  • Execute 100% digital production records
  • Deploy via mobile device or workstations
  • Improve data input consistency/accuracy
  • Access latest SOPs and work instructions
  • Enforce limits, controls and required training
  • Launch quality events and training in process
  • Automate corrections, verifications and signatures
Explore Execute
Review By Exception
1/4 Process And Progress

Easily see which stage is being executed and the overall completion percentage.

2/4 Process And Progress

Verify available materials, either manually or via ERP integration.

3/4 Process And Progress

Prevent operators from performing steps before they should using dependencies.

4/4 Process And Progress

Incorporate a variety of live production dashboards on your shop floor.

1/4 Corrections and Approvals

Automate and simplify the inevitable corrections.

2/4 Corrections and Approvals

Easily see each step of every correction.

3/4 Corrections and Approvals

Immediately alert operators when entered values are outside specified limits.

4/4 Corrections and Approvals

Speed processing by enabling multiple users to interact with the system at the same time.

1/4 In-Line Quality And Training

Launch and link (not lose) associated quality forms.

2/4 In-Line Quality And Training

Automatically prevent operators from performing tasks if required training is incomplete.

3/4 In-Line Quality And Training

Operators simply click on a link to complete their required training.

4/4 In-Line Quality And Training

Configure integrated Acceptable Quality Limits (AQL).

1/3 Integrations And Outputs

Materials API Link To ERP

2/3 Integrations And Outputs

Attach any file or image, including pictures taken from a tablet.

3/3 Integrations And Outputs

Provide a human readable format of the production record to auditors or others.

Review By Exception

Review of GMP paperwork continues to be an achilles heel of production – manual, time consuming and costly. MasterControl’s manufacturing excellence solution moves you closer to real time release by enabling review by exception – reducing review times and letting you get product off the floor and in market faster.

  • No need to do timely line-by-line review
  • Quickly identify and review GMP exceptions
  • Instantly reference quality events and status
  • See history of corrections, reason and approvals
  • Link to quality control lab test status and results
  • Track/trend exception cause data and correlations
Explore Review
Review By Exception
1/4 Review By Exception

Configure your Review By Exception dashboard to show most critical exceptions for your production.

2/4 Review By Exception

Quickly and easily review corrections that are notoriously challenging to read on paper.

3/4 Review By Exception

Quickly and easily review images and attachments added anywhere to the production record.

4/4 Review By Exception

Easily and quickly review all quality forms launched during execution, including their current status.

Data Driven Insights

Production records – Batch, Design History, Travelers, etc. – represent a missing or offline data set within many organizations. MasterControl is unlocking this data and making it available in real-time to drive personnel, process and site/line performance improvements.

  • Unlock hidden data
  • Visualize line/crew status
  • Connect/correlate insights
Explore Analyze
Data Driven Insights
1/3 Insights + Optimization

View unlocked data from anywhere, including on tablets that display configured dashboards.

2/3 Insights + Optimization

Provide live production data and dashboards for your operators and managers on the shop floor.

3/3 Insights + Optimization

Enable oversight personnel to view live production dashboard information anywhere on, or off, site.

This experience is best viewed on your desktop computer. We apologize for any inconvenience.

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