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FDA Product Recalls: A Wake-Up Call for Life Sciences Manufacturers

Image of MasterControl’s survey on FDA product recalls and its impact on life sciences manufacturers.

In the world of life sciences manufacturing, product recalls initiated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) can be devastating for manufacturers and consumers alike. A recent survey by MasterControl sheds light on consumer behavior and perceptions surrounding these FDA product recalls, offering valuable insights for manufacturers in the industry. Let's dive into the key findings and explore what they mean for effectual product recall management in life sciences.

The Alarming Reality of Recall Awareness and Response

The survey reveals a startling disconnect between consumer awareness and action when it comes to FDA product recalls. While 65% of consumers reported hearing about an FDA-directed recall in the past year, a whopping 68% don't proactively check for recalls on drugs or medical devices they use. This gap presents a significant challenge for life sciences manufacturers in effectively managing product recalls.

Download the full survey report to uncover more insights on consumer awareness of FDA product recalls.

The Trust Deficit

Perhaps even more concerning than the lack of recall awareness is the erosion of trust in the manufacturing process. Only 52% of respondents expressed confidence in the manufacturing process and quality of their medications. This trust deficit extends to both prescription and over-the-counter drugs, with 51% and 46% of consumers respectively hesitant about their safety and effectiveness.

For companies to stay in business, uphold brand reputation, and keep products on the market, rebuilding and maintaining consumer trust must be a top priority in their life sciences product recall management strategies.

The Generational Divide in Recall Perception

One of the most intriguing findings of the survey is the generational difference in attitudes toward recalled products. Younger generations, particularly Gen Z and Millennials, are more likely to continue using recalled products across all categories. This trend is especially pronounced in sensitive areas like food and baby formula.

Life sciences manufacturers must tailor their recall communication strategies to effectively reach and persuade younger consumers about the importance of adhering to recall notices.

Get detailed insights on generational differences in recall response. Download the survey now.

The Path to Rebuilding Trust

The survey report offers clear guidance on how life sciences manufacturers can rebuild trust in the aftermath of a product recall:

  1. Transparency: Consumers want easy access to recall information through various channels and affected parties, including health care providers, pharmacies, and traditional media.
  2. Simplicity: Over half of the respondents (53%) want brands to make the return or exchange process easier.
  3. Compensation: 72% of consumers expect a full refund for recalled products.

By incorporating these elements into their product recall management strategies, life sciences manufacturers can mitigate the negative impact of recalls on their brand reputation.

The Long-Term Impact of Product Recalls

The survey underscores the long-lasting effects of product recalls on brand perception. More than half (56%) of respondents said they would not purchase a previously recalled product, and 39% would stop buying from a brand altogether after learning one of their products was recalled. These statistics highlight the critical importance of effective product recall management in the life sciences industry.


The insights provided in MasterControl’s survey report should serve as a wake-up call for life sciences manufacturers. Effective product recall management is not just about regulatory compliance; it's about maintaining consumer trust and safeguarding brand reputation. By understanding consumer behavior and expectations, manufacturers can develop more effective strategies to handle FDA product recalls if they occur and minimize their long-term impact.

Don't miss out on these crucial insights. Download the complete survey report on FDA product recalls today.


MasterControl Inc. is a leading provider of cloud-based quality and manufacturing software for life sciences and other regulated industries. For three decades, our mission has been the same as that of our customers – to bring life-changing products to more people sooner. MasterControl helps organizations digitize, automate, and connect quality and manufacturing processes. Innovative MasterControl tools have a proven track record of improving product quality, reducing cost, and accelerating time to market. Over 1,100 companies worldwide use MasterControl solutions to streamline operations, maintain compliance, easily analyze and interpret large amounts of data, and visualize business insights in real time.

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