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From Error to Excellence: Why Pharma Manufacturers Need to Embrace Digital Maturity

Image of a pharma manufacturing technician using a digital manufacturing software.

Elevating Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Through Digital Transformation

Digital maturity is not just another technology upgrade for pharmaceutical manufacturing companies; it is the very heart of achieving operational excellence. As pressure mounts toward higher quality and stricter compliance standards, the shift from error-prone manual processes to operationally robust processes that advance digital maturity in pharma can no longer be considered optional.

Organizations need to elevate their manufacturing operations and secure their results with advanced Internet of Things (IoT) sensor technology and comprehensive data and digital manufacturing solutions.

The Digital Maturity Continuum: From Hindsight to Foresight

Picture a production floor where paper logbooks are just as prevalent as lab equipment. While good ole paper has been an industry staple for decades, its use continues to become more and more outdated for a few key reasons:

  • Manual inefficiencies
  • Transcription errors
  • Sloth-like review processes

There’s no going back: The path toward digital maturity in pharma will see organizations continue to move from reactive “paper on glass” systems to paperless, fully automated, data-driven environments where problems can be predicted and prevented before they occur, facilitated by IoT-enabled sensors and leading-edge data collection systems that ensure data integrity throughout the production floor.

I don’t know about you, but I’ll take foresight over hindsight every day of the week — and twice on Monday.

Synergies for Success

The advancement of digital maturity in pharma is exemplified by innovations like the integration of Elemental Machines with MasterControl’s manufacturing execution system (MES). This groundbreaking digital manufacturing solution forms a powerful ecosystem that digitizes workflows, improves data integrity, reduces errors, and accelerates release times. This synergy makes it possible for manufacturers to streamline operations, reduce waste, and increase productivity. And, as Elemental Machines’ Director of Global Strategic Alliances Dan Petkanas will explain in his session at Masters Summit 2024, the change in the innovative journey of operational excellence has just begun.

Quantifying Success

How much can digital maturity affect your bottom line? It’s time to stop speculating and start dealing with facts. Elemental Machines offers an interactive ROI calculator. Using this tool, manufacturers can clearly see potential improvements in ROI due to the reduction of manual processes and errors, leading to faster, more accurate reviews. It’s like having a crystal ball for operational efficiency of your manufacturing operations. Try it out!

Digital Excellence Strategies

Now that you know the numbers, what are the next steps? Introducing modern pharma manufacturing solutions into your production environment can bring a host of benefits, such as:

  • Automated data capture: Removes manual entry errors while providing an indefatigable audit trail
  • Predictive analytics: Leverage the strength of data science to predict and prevent operational bottlenecks
  • System integration: Optimize your operations by creating an automated flow of information through IoT software platforms

End Goal: Operational Excellence Through Digital Maturity

Digital maturity in pharma is much more than a technology shift. It’s a strategic imperative for manufacturers who want to lead in a fast-changing pharmaceutical industry — today and for as many tomorrows as possible. Embracing this change will shift companies from being reactive troubleshooters to proactive problem-preventers. (Try saying that five times fast.)

How will you continue to mature your manufacturing processes for added gains in productivity and predictability? Here’s a great way to learn how to accelerate your pace:

Attend Dan Petkanas’ presentation on digital maturity strategies for transforming your pharmaceutical manufacturing process at Masters Summit 2024 on Tuesday, October 15, from 10:30-11:15 a.m.


Bonus Insight!

See how your company can reach new levels of operational excellence via digital transformation — test the ROI calculator now.

Leave manual processes behind for good. Embrace digital maturity in pharma and secure the future of your science with unsurpassed precision and control. You’ll be glad you did.

Dan Petkanas Headshot
Elemental Machines Global Alliances Director Dan Petkanas is a seasoned expert in laboratory digital transformation, with a proven track record of partnering with hundreds of laboratories globally. His expertise spans across research & development (R&D), compliance, and manufacturing environments, where he specializes in optimizing data integrity, enhancing laboratory asset utilization, and ensuring equipment compliance and connectivity. Dan’s strategic approach has empowered labs to streamline their operations, boost efficiency, and maintain the highest standards of accuracy and regulatory adherence.

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The State of  Digital Maturity in Pharma and Medtech Manufacturing

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