Go Digital With Master Batch Records

Your go-to system for master batch records, master batch record templates, and more

A master batch record is part of ensuring that the manufacturing process produces safe and effective products. But bringing more efficiency to the shop floor through digitizing involves much more than the master batch record.

  • How digitizing helps you avoid common current good manufacturing practice (cGMP) compliance problems.
  • The numbers on how much time companies save by switching to a modern manufacturing execution system (MES).
  • The benefits of a modern MES beyond master batch records and master batch record templates.

MasterControl Customer Testimonial by Wellington Foods on EBR

Wellington Foods, a contract manufacturer, began using MasterControl Manufacturing Excellence because it offers electronic batch records. Learn how it’s improved their operations.

The things I like about MasterControl is that it keeps all of our documents in an organized fashion and allows us to find them with a simple or advanced search. Allows us to also view and edit documents as well and keeps all versions of the document to view at a later date. It keeps all revisions as separate documents which is helpful when comparing a change before and after we have implemented a change to the document.

Lindsey P., Product & Packaging Engineer Administrator

Benefits of Electronic Master Batch Records

Whenever manufacturers need to make a change to a formulation or manufacturing process, they need to update their master batch record. As with most documents, this much easier when done on an electronic system. Manufacturers can easily locate, change, and distribute master batch records to ensure the right version is being used immediately.

Improve your manufacturing with MasterControl

See the difference that electronic master batch records can make in your facility.

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