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“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” wrote Charles Dickens in A Tale of Two Cities. While no one would call 2020 the best of times, there are dramatic differences in how hard companies have been hit during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some companies have struggled along, frantically trying to adjust to make work from home a reality. Others have made the switch with relatively little interruption in productivity and day-to-day business functions.
This divide between companies isn’t random. There are some marked differences between companies that have made the transition smoothly and those that haven’t. At our company in particular, we had a fairly seamless transition to work from home given enhanced communication tools, preparation, and personalization. Here are some considerations for you and your company to make in terms of technology, productivity, and employee engagement.
Read the full article here: A Tale of Two Pandemics: How Companies Are Succeeding—or Struggling—with Work-at-Home Teams