GxP Lifeline
  • 2021-bl-standards-harmonization-and-eu-mdr_132x132

    Managing Harmonised Standards for EU MDR/IVDR Compliance

    Since the launch of the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) and In Vitro Device Regulation (IVDR), there are fewer harmonised standards medical device companies can leverage to achieve and maintain compliance with these regulations. Read this article to learn about the current status of harmonised standards under EU MDR/IVDR and get tips on how to deal with the challenges of meeting the compliance requirements.

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  • 2022-bl-gxp-lifeline-may-17_132x132

    3 Characteristics of Successful Quality 4.0 Initiatives

    More intelligent and more connected technologies are transforming the way life sciences companies manufacture and ensure the quality of their products. To gain a competitive edge, companies are leveraging innovative tools and new technology-enhanced approaches to quality management. Learn why using modern, connected solutions requires you to first understand the principles that form the foundation of successful Quality 4.0 initiatives.

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  • 2022-bl-modern-mes-pharma-mx_132x132

    How Modern MES Solutions Meet the Demands of Pharma Manufacturing

    Modern manufacturers are looking for flexible solutions to help them automate workflows and reduce errors. Legacy manufacturing systems are hard to come by. Find out what a modern manufacturing execution system (MES) can do that legacy systems can’t – and how soon you can implement one.

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