GxP Lifeline

Paperless Manufacturing: How Toxic Is Your Relationship With Batch Records?

MasterControl Manufacturing Excellence can help improve your relationship with your manufacturing production records

It’s no secret that relationships can be complicated — even downright unhealthy. Few things are more stressful than sorting through the nuances of a relationship, figuring out where you stand, and deciding on a course of action. If you’re in life sciences manufacturing, you’re likely in just such a situation with paper batch records.

You’re no doubt feeling a range of emotions right now. Your gut feeling tells you something is wrong. Then you look at your peers and see all the awesome things they’re able to accomplish using electronic batch records (EBR). Still, you’ve worked with paper throughout your entire career. You’re so enmeshed, you complete each other’s sentences — even though it’s in pen. But could this be the time to move on, to pursue the digital transformation in manufacturing you’ve been longing for? You might need to be the bigger person and walk away. Errors on batch records, long review cycles, long lead times, deviations — they’re all taking a toll. Take this quiz  (or our more detailed interactive assessment) to find out where your relationship with paper is really headed. 


David Jensen is a content marketing specialist at MasterControl, where he is responsible for researching and writing content for web pages, white papers, brochures, emails, blog posts, presentation materials and social media. He has over 25 years of experience producing instructional, marketing and public relations content for various technology-related industries and audiences. Jensen writes extensively about cybersecurity, data integrity, cloud computing and medical device manufacturing. He has published articles in various industry publications such as Medical Product Outsourcing (MPO) and Bio Utah. Jensen holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from Weber State University and a master’s degree in professional communication from Westminster College.

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