GxP Lifeline

Quiz: Do You Have a Quality Relationship With Your Auditor?

Understand your relationship with quality audits by taking MasterControl’s quiz.

Audits — everyone’s favourite topic. Well, maybe “favourite” is a bit of a stretch, but knowing how to prepare for and successfully host an audit is top of mind for quality professionals. Recent MasterControl research found that audits and inspections are a significant pain point for 24% of life sciences companies. You can decrease or eliminate that pain with an electronic quality management system (eQMS). Since not every eQMS is the same, audits can still present a problem if your quality processes are ineffective, which can cause things to be tense with your auditor.

Problematic quality processes can cause a rift between you and your auditor. If these issues aren’t addressed, you might find yourself dealing with the silent treatment. The quiz below can tell you how things are going with your auditor.


Sarah Beale is a content marketing specialist at MasterControl in Salt Lake City, where she writes white papers, web pages, and is a frequent contributor to the company’s blog, GxP Lifeline. Beale has been writing about the life sciences and health care for over five years. Prior to joining MasterControl she worked for a nutraceutical company in Salt Lake City and before that she worked for a third-party health care administrator in Chicago. She has a bachelor’s degree in English from Brigham Young University and a master’s degree in business administration from DeVry University.

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